Mothers are not without flaws. They may not use the correct language, dress themself or you in the latest fashion and trends, or attend the fancy schools, but one thing is certain: they love deeply. Their family has always come first, and it will continue to do so in the future.

Jessica Lange once said that the natural state of motherhood is unselfishness.

Ben Carson did a tribute to his mother, Sonya Carson which He wrote, “All that I am is because of the love of my mother.” This was for a woman with little or no formal education, a single mother who had to work part-time to support his sons’ education and well-being.

Most importantly, she accomplished all of this while still finding time to tutor her children, as Ben Carson recounted in his book Gifted Hands.

Only the love of a mother can enable such an act of kindness instead of irritation and misery.
This isn’t to argue that mothers are flawless people. They, too, are flawed humans.

Sometimes they may be overloaded to the point that they are unable to utilize the appropriate phrases or even have the time or wealth to dress in the latest trends. However,
when it comes to family love, though, there is nothing that can stand in their way.

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